2017 panels

Behind "Farm to Table"

For its sixth Future Thought Leaders panel discussion, “Behind ‘Farm to Table’: The Labor of Farming,” nine panelists joined us at Kitchens for Good to discuss the challenges of farming, including access to land and capital, regulatory changes, technological advances, and attracting a younger generation.

Read our recap to hear the highlights of the discussion and learn what you can do to support the farming community in San Diego. Go wine tasting, attend a farm dinner, find your local farmers’ market, give a farmer free marketing, and more.

“Behind ‘Farm to Table'” panelists:

Food Justice

The Future Thought Leaders panel discussions of 2017 kicked off on April 21st at Oceanside’s Star Theatre. Labor leader Dolores Huerta and Food Democracy Now! founder Dave Murphy were among the distinguished panelists who weighed in on access to affordable and nutritious food at all economic levels.

Read our recap to learn about how you can help the food-insecure community in San Diego. People in need of an adequate supply of food are not just the homeless, but single mothers, children, military personnel, and the elderly.

“Food Justice” panelists: